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black community, black women, black women and children, blog, children -

Black Women do not care about their children? August 10, 2017 There is a question mark there because how can someone make such a generalization on a whole group of women based on personal opinions? I came across a video on Facebook that bothered me. I did not take offense to it because it does not directly apply to me but my people: BLACK WOMEN. This man Tommy Sotomayor who is known for his YouTube channel where he gives his opinions and views on the black community is one I deem narcissistic and bitter over what he has probably gone...

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 July 27, 2017                    Women are inherently nurturers, givers, emotional, and selfless. We tend to put others’ needs before our own even when we so desperately need attention ourselves, especially women with children.             But what happens when you give everything you have and are left with nothing? You get to a point where you get tired of being used and abused. There is no way on earth, you will be any good to anyone especially your children if you have not taken good care of yourself first.             I knew this...

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beauty, children, Confidence, natural beauty, self-love -

As I was ironing my kids' clothes this morning I remembered how earlier in the school year I was putting on a jogging outfit for my daughter to wear to school. She told me "Mommy I don't want to wear this because they(the kids at school) say it looks like I have on pajamas"..........so I changed her outfit. Thinking back on that I SHOULD HAVE LET HER WEAR THAT OUTFIT TO SCHOOL AND TOLD HER THAT SHE LOOKS BEAUTIFUL IN ANYTHING SHE PUTS ON. I should have never let her change her clothes because IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT HER CONFIDENCE...

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bellwood, chicago, community, denim and pearls, elders, generations, maywood, west suburbs, women's workshop -

DENIM AND PEARLS WOMEN'S WORKSHOP - Bridging the Gap The goal of this workshop is to bridge the gap from our elders to our current generation. We want to learn from each other useful practices, principles, and values shared in each generation. We want to break generational curses. Finally, we want to bring awareness of self-love, motivation, and growth within our community. It's going to be real talk and life lessons in entrepreneurship, sex, love, health/hygiene and more! So make sure you come beautiful in your Denim and Pearls!  Too many times we lose relationships with people not only because...

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